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Minnesota Landscaping Tips for Spring

As the snow begins to melt and the temperatures start to rise, it’s time to start thinking about how you want your yard to look this spring. If you’re looking for some inspiration, check out these Minnesota landscaping tips: 1. Add color with flowers and plants. There are a variety

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Early Spring Lawn Care Tips

As winter calms down, many homeowners are anticipating an exhaustive list of lawn chores for the early spring months. Luckily, there are simple steps you can take to ensure your lawn is ready for the upcoming spring season. And the best part is, it’s very straightforward! Here’s what you should

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Spring Gardening Prep List

As the snow melts, it’s time to prepare for the busy spring gardening season. Here are some tips to follow before spring is fully upon us. Mulching One of the key things to do in the garden during winter is mulching. Mulching helps to protect plants from harsh weather conditions

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What is Winter Tree Pruning?

Winter tree pruning is done during the dormant season. This means some trees will be dormant during winter, while some trees will be dormant in spring. If you’re not sure what winter tree pruning is, here are the winter tree pruning basics. Winter tree pruning is a winter lawn care

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Why Ice Dams Can Be So Dangerous

Ice dams are ice formations that happen on the edge of your roof. They form when ice forms in an area where it shouldn’t, like at the edge of a roof or gutter system. This ice then blocks water from draining off of your roof and before you know it,

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Winter Landscaping Tips For Stunning Yards

While winter may not be the most beautiful time of year, there are still some things you can do to make your landscape look even better in the colder months. Begin planning your landscaping in summer and fall, and don’t forget to add accents in the fall. The cold season

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Why You Should Professionally Clean Your Gutters in the Fall

One of the surprisingly worst things that can happen to your home is clogged gutters. Why is that? Clogged gutters can lead to disastrous and costly repairs. The cost of repairing damage from clogged gutters vastly outweighs the cost of maintaining them. Here’s why you should consider having your gutters

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Do Boxelders Cause Any Harm To Your Lawn?

In these fleeting days of beautiful weather, many of us want to enjoy some time on our patios or lawn. However, there is a minor pest that seems to plague the yards and patios of homeowners in September: boxelder bugs. Boxelder bugs seem to be virtually everywhere. You might be

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Simple Yard Tips to Prepare for Fall

While many of us are still trying to beat the summer heat, it will soon be time to consider preparing for fall. Here are some tips you can follow to ensure your lawn and yard are ready for the cooler months. Lawn Care Tips You should always try to improve

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