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Winter Landscaping Tips For Stunning Yards

While winter may not be the most beautiful time of year, there are still some things you can do to make your landscape look even better in the colder months. Begin planning your landscaping in summer and fall, and don’t forget to add accents in the fall. The cold season can be challenging for plants, so they’ll need to be pruned and covered with snow. For winter interest, choose plants that provide texture and color. Luckily, there are many options for hardy and low-maintenance trees that can tolerate cold temperatures.

Decide which type of tree will thrive in your landscape in the winter. Evergreen trees, such as birch, are the best choice for the colder months, and a red osier dogwood is a great choice for a damp area. You can also choose ornamental grasses like plume grass to give your landscape some pizazz in the winter. Besides evergreens, many other plants will complement the cold season, such as pines and ash trees.

If you have a lawn and want to add color to your yard, choose brightly colored containers. Plants in containers will add a splash of color to your landscape, and brick walls make a good backdrop for colorful plants. If you’re thinking of adding flowers to your winter landscaping, consider using brightly colored flowers. Holly flowers have bright berries that look great in containers. And while a wood fence makes a great backdrop for flowers, plants will need protection in the colder months.

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