Why Mowing in May Can Be Harmful to Pollination in Minnesota



Whether mowing is your favorite summer pastime or summer bummer, did you know mowing in May can negatively impact pollination? Pollination is crucial for the growth and survival of various plants and ultimately contributes to the overall health of our environment. Here is why you should consider waiting a month before trimming your lawn.

April Showers Bring May Flowers

May is the month when most flowering plants in Minnesota start to bloom. Pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds rely on these plants for nectar and pollen. Mowing the lawn this month can disrupt the pollinators’ habitat and food source. The lawn mower’s sound and vibration can also scare pollinators away, making them less likely to return to the area to pollinate. Studies show that lawns that are mowed less frequently have a higher number of pollinators and flowering plants. Therefore, it is essential to avoid mowing in May or to cut down the frequency of your mowing routine.

Adjust Your Mowing Practices

If you need to mow your lawn in May, consider changing your mowing practices. Some tips to help protect the pollination process include mowing your lawn in the evening when pollinators are less active, using a manual lawn mower or a mower that produces less noise and vibration, leaving patches of your lawn uncut, or mowing only the perimeter of your lawn, and avoiding the use of pesticides that can harm pollinators.

Beneficial for Minnesota’s Ecosystem
Pollinators are crucial to the diversity of our ecosystem, and their decline can negatively impact food production and global biodiversity. In Minnesota, 90% of the flowering plants rely on pollinators to produce seeds and fruit. The pollination process also contributes to our state’s economy and crop production. Therefore, homeowners should play their part in protecting the pollination process.

How to Support Pollinators on Your Minnesota Lawn
You can support pollinators in your lawn by planting native flowers, shrubs, and trees that attract pollinators. Some pollinator-friendly plants include goldenrod, milkweed, asters, and coneflowers. You can also provide bee-nesting habitats and encourage your neighbors to do the same. Also, avoid using chemical pesticides and fertilizers and opt for organic alternatives.

Mowing in May can harm the pollination process in Minnesota. It is essential for homeowners to be mindful of their mowing practices and to take steps to protect pollinators and the environment. By choosing to mow less frequently or by changing the time and method of your mowing routine, you can contribute to the overall health of our ecosystem. Remember, small actions can make a significant impact. By supporting pollinators in your lawn, you are helping preserve our environment’s diversity and beauty for generations.

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