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Tips for Keeping Your Lawn Healthy in the Hot and Dry Summer Months in Minnesota

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy your lawn and garden, but it’s also when your lawn is most susceptible to damage. While the air may feel muggy, weeks can go by without a drop of rain. Minnesota’s hot and dry summer months can be tough on your lawn, but with some care and attention, you can keep your grass healthy and green all summer. We’ll share some tips on keeping your lawn healthy in Minnesota’s hot and dry summer months.


Water your lawn regularly, especially during the hottest months of the year. Water deeply, but don’t overwater because it can lead to fungal growth. It’s best to water your lawn early in the morning or late in the evening when temperatures are more relaxed so that water doesn’t evaporate quickly. If you have sprinklers, ensure they are correctly adjusted to avoid water wastage.


Mow your lawn regularly, but avoid cutting the grass too short. Longer grass blades hold more moisture and provide shade for the roots. Grass should be cut often enough so that no more than one-third of the grass blade is removed with each mowing. Cutting more than that can stress the grass and leave it vulnerable to disease. And remember to sharpen your mower’s blades, a dull blade results in ragged cuts, which make the grass less drought-tolerant.


Fertilize your lawn with nitrogen-rich fertilizer at least twice a year in the summer months to boost root growth and overall health. Be careful not to over-fertilize, as it can burn your lawn. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and avoid fertilizing during periods of high heat.

Good soil preparation

Start with healthy, high-quality soil and prepare your soil properly before planting. Soil with adequate nutrients, organic matter, and the right pH level supports healthy root growth and maximizes the chances of a vibrant lawn. Do a soil test to determine what fertilizers or nutrients your lawn needs to be healthy.

Proper lawn management

In addition to regular watering, mowing, and fertilizing, consider some other lawn management practices, such as aerating your lawn every two to three years. Aeration allows water and air to penetrate the soil and reach the roots, which promotes vigorous growth and resistance against drought and heat. Raking your lawn also helps to remove dead grass and thatch that could prevent moisture from getting to the root zone.


Your lawn can be the most beautiful place in your home, but making it healthy and looking vibrant takes time and dedication- especially during the hot and dry summer months in Minnesota. By following the tips shared in this blog, you can maintain the lush green color of your lawn and make sure it stays healthy and beautiful throughout the summer. Enjoy the sun!



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