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Useful Tips for Winter Gardening

Winter might seem like a time when you can sit back and forget all about your garden for a few months, but you could not be more wrong. While there might not be anything growing, there is still work you can do to get the most out of the warmer months when they do come. Here are some tips and ideas for what you can do when the weather is too cold for growing.


This should be done before the first frost of the year. To protect your plants from winter temperatures, first mulch around plants that are not as hearty. Use leaves and barks, mostly. You can also wrap certain plants, especially newly planted ones, with burlap insulated by leaves or straw.

All Seasons Gardening

In reality, it is a misnomer to say that nothing grows in the winter. There are many late and winter-blooming plants that can give your garden a nice burst of color during the cold. Winter hazel and honeysuckle not only provide that color, but also nice fragrances. Some bulbs, like snowdrops and winter aconite will burst through a thin layer of snow, and are nice harbingers of the spring to come.


Nature is more than just plant life. You can help birds have a regular source of food during the cold months by providing bird feeders and baths. Plus, they will help to control your garden’s ecosystem by assisting with pest control. By using the right food, you can even attract a certain type of bird that you would like around your garden.


While the garden is not hustling and bustling with activity, it is a good time to take stock of how the previous year went and what your goals are going forward. Decide on some goals, and what else you would like to get out of your yard. This is also a good time to catch up on reading and research to implement new strategies. Evaluating and taking stock will help you determine how best to proceed in the coming months.

As you can see, gardening does not have to be confined to certain seasons. Even in the winter, there are things you can do to improve your garden and prepare for the growing seasons ahead. Use these tips and ideas and create your best garden.

The experienced professionals at Dean Bjorkstrand, Inc. can help complete all kinds of landscaping projects to increase the value of your home. Reach out online or call 612-861-3919.

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