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Summer Lawn Care Tips

Summertime means mowing time. But are you treating your lawn the most effective way? Here are some tips you can follow to ensure your lawn is being cared for properly.

Mow at the Correct Height

You should adjust the height of your mower to leave the grass a bit taller. Taller grass will reduce water evaporation, and it can help the roots grow deeper. This can prevent weed seeds from germinating and spreading. Each grass type has different height variances in which you should follow.

Water Efficiently

To keep your grass healthy, you should ensure your grass is watered frequently. During rainy weeks, you won’t need to start up the irrigation. Make sure to check in with the local water authority to plan your irrigation schedule.

Clean Up After Pets

You may notice dead spots on your lawn if you have a dog. This could be from your dog’s waste. Make sure to clean up your pet’s waste and dispose of it properly, as it can flush the area and harm the soil.

Don’t Park On the Grass

Driving on the grass is not a good idea, even if it isn’t your car. If you own any other vehicle, you should limit driving and parking on the grass. This can damage turf crowns.

Make Sure To Clean Litter

Picking up litter will help avoid damaging the grass. Make sure to clean up after any activities that take place on your lawn, as toys and lawn chairs can also create dangerous obstacles when mowing.

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