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What Accent Lighting Can Do For Your Home

As the weather gets colder and the days get shorter, our homes are more often seen in the dark. That means that what your home looks like at night becomes more important. Outdoor lighting is a great way to keep your house looking appealing, and can even change how your home looks to others. One of the ways this is achieved is through accent lighting. Accent lighting is any lighting that’s purpose is not to directly illuminate something. The amazing thing is that using accent lighting can help you completely transform the look and feel of an outdoor space.

Set The Mood
Accent lighting on the outside of your home can drastically change the mood of any space. For instance, if you have a yard that is vacant and spare, you can transform it into a comfortable looking space with some well placed lighting fixtures. Lanterns that stand on their own give off a comforting and warm vibe. Lights on the ground that lengthen the shadows of bushes or trees can make things seem more dramatic. The only limit is your own creativity, and the mood can be changed in any number of ways.

There may be some aspects of the outside of your home that you want to highlight for visitors or passersby. For instance, in your backyard you may want to feature a pool or a gazebo. As opposed to simply having lights shining on it, you can have ground lights around the pool, or even in the water. Lights can also help define the edges of your property either by themselves or by highlighting bushes or fences that run along it.

Resale Value
There is no doubt that exterior accent lighting can also help increase the value of your home. If it is properly done and is visually appealing, it will attract potential buyers and make your home more attractive than the competition. It is also valuable as it helps reduce security risks. The more lighting there is outside of a home, the less likely burglars are to target it.

As with any home improvement project, you should always know before you start buying what you would like to accomplish. Make sure to have a plan for your lighting, and know what look you are trying to achieve. There is simply no end to the possibilities with outdoor accent lighting.

The experienced professionals at Dean Bjorkstrand, Inc. can help complete all kinds of landscaping projects to increase the value of your home. Reach out online or call 612-861-3919.

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