Water Conservation Tips For Your Minnesota Lawn

Whether you are experiencing a drought, or there is a municipal ordinance on water usage, chances are your lawn is in desperate need of water. A lush green lawn is a sight to behold, but for many Minnesotan residents, it is only but a dream. Maintaining your lawn requires a lot of water, however, many factors can prevent a homeowner from having a thriving lawn.

No matter where you live, conserving water is something we should all take part in, especially when it comes to our lawns. If you are concerned about your water usage and want your lawn to look as best as it can, follow these three steps on how you can conserve your water usage in the summer.

Give the Lawn Proper Nutrition

Your grass needs a constant supply of nutrients to balance its growth. A well-fed lawn will grow much deeper roots, which means it can absorb water and nutrients much more efficiently. In addition, with the proper nutrients, your grass will likely be more resistant to stress and diseases.

Cut Your Grass Correctly

Not many homeowners know that there is an art to mowing the lawn. Make sure to always change the direction of how you mow, as constant movements in the same directions can cause too much stress for the grass. If you can customize your lawnmower’s settings, aim for a 3-4 inch cut.

Watering Techniques

Mother nature can usually do the job of watering for you, but unfortunately, many times during the Summer we are ravaged by weeks of droughts. If you plan on watering your lawn, make sure to install smart watering devices. These can use plant, soil, and weather data to accurately water your lawn the most efficiently. This can cut down on overwatering, which will conserve water.

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