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The Benefits of Using Plants Native to Minnesota

If you’re planning a new landscaping project, one of the best routes you can go is to reintroduce native Minnesotan species to your garden. Not only are native plants naturally beautiful, but they are also highly beneficial to both your budget and the environment. Native grown plants help increase the biodiversity of your yard, which is incredibly important to our ecosystem. So if you’re in the market for a landscaping project, here are some of the benefits of planting native Minnesotan plants that you should consider.

They are budget-friendly

One of the most cost-effective alternatives to landscaping is planting native plants. You can do small to large scale landscapes without breaking the bank. Also, because these plants can withstand the harsh Minnesotan environment, you will likely not need to replace the plants yearly.

Easy maintenance

Once native plants have been planted, they will not need as much upkeep. Mulching, watering, frost protection, you name it. These plants have survived on their own in Minnesota, therefore they let nature do all the work. The most common horticulture plants usually don’t produce nectar and require much more maintenance. Native plants, however, will produce pollen, nectar, and even seeds that will welcome birds, bees, butterflies, and more wildlife. The roots that many plants native to that environment can even help prevent erosion as they hold soil much more efficiently.

You will have an environmentally friendly garden

Native wildlife relies on their surrounding plants for resources. Most horticultural plants are not appropriate for their diets, which will end up decreasing your yard’s biodiversity. Native plants, however, can welcome more species to your yard, and help the environment for the greater good. One great example is milkweed, a favorite of monarch butterflies. If planted, they will flock and lay their eggs on them, to feed the young caterpillars. Increasing biodiversity produces a ripple effect, which is ultimately advantageous for our ecosystem.

Minnesotan native plants you should consider:

  • Perennials (woodland, prairie, and wetland)
  • Black chokeberry shrubs
  • Eastern white pine trees
  • White oak trees
  • Pagoda dogwood trees
  • Pennsylvania sedge

Planting native species in your garden comes with many advantages, as well as creating stunning landscapes. If you’re considering giving your lawn a makeover, don’t hesitate to contact a professional Minnesota landscaping company. They will help you create your dream landscape, and can give you guidance on the best native plants.

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