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The Impact of Effective Landscaping on Home Value

When preparing to sell your home, it’s wise to invest in proper landscaping to enable you to see the effects of landscaping on home value. It forms one of the strategies home sellers employ in efforts to make the sale more profitable in the long run. Investing in good landscaping could increase the value of a home by almost 14% due to a number of reasons outlined below:

Curb Appeal

A property that has been landscaped in a professional manner creates a huge appeal to it and also gives it a value and place sense. This creates a good first impression to potential customers and it could make them opt for the specific property. Compared to the first impressions created by a new bathroom fitting or kitchen, landscaping alone is able to increase the home value by approximately 20%. Landscaping lifts the home beyond the selling standards as the buyers would be attracted to such property due to the low maintenance costs they would incur once they acquire the property.

Additional Space

Over the years people have embraced outdoor living. Professional landscapers have taken this into consideration and included it in their landscaping process, thereby creating an additional space to the home. They are able to add a deck to the home which would mean some more additional outdoor space for the home owner. This extra space could be used for entertaining guests when the weather is favorable.

Highlighting Home Features

Different home features like carpeting attract customers on their own. If you can make these features stand out, the house will sell at a much faster rate.

When it comes to the outdoors, if the house has a patio or a walkway, you could carry out some strategic landscaping to ensure that they stand out. If it is possible to place flowers that are bright and colorful along the walkway, then it would make the yard look inviting and attractive to the eye. This would raise the curiosity level of customers thus making them pay extra attention to the property. If there is grass on the property then one would need to ensure that it’s quality and the general health is kept at an optimal condition.

Spill-Over Effect

A spill-over effect causes your property to be financially viable due to the increased value. It occurs when the people become the main concern for the budget cost. In order to achieve this feat, you must improve the status and figure of your home in its neighborhood. This would make the neighbors develop a good impression of the home and may also encourage them to develop their own landscapes. This would in turn raise the value of homes in that particular neighborhood, as well as make neighbors give a positive referral to potential customers who might seek the opinion of the neighbors concerning the house.

Landscaping design done in a particularly sophisticated way could make the buyers get attracted to the property instantly and thereby start a bidding battle that would consequently raise the value of your home. It is a guaranteed form of getting your investments back in huge profits when you make the home sale. All the factors above prove the positive effects of having landscaping done on your home prior to a sale.

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