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How to Prepare Your Garden for Spring

Spring is fast approaching, which means chore time begins for gardens. After a cold and cruel winter, it can feel overwhelming to get back into your garden. But it doesn’t have to be! While it might still be too early to start gardening, there are many things you can do to prepare your garden for the Springtime. Follow this checklist for a smooth and efficient garden prep.

Make Sure Your Tools are Tuned Up!

If you didn’t properly store your garden tools, they will probably be out of shape. Sharpen up your pruners and trowels, and you should be set! Wooden handled-tools that have been exposed to wintry elements could be cleaned by sanding and coated in linseed oil. But if your tools’ saving is beyond hope, it might be time to invest in a new set of gardening tools.

Survey the Area

The first thing you should do is tidy up your yard. Once the snow has completely melted, look around for foliage that has been looming under the snow for the winter. You should look around for broken branches, and assess the health of the trees. If you have any paths or fixtures that are susceptible to erosion, check to make sure they are in need of a repair due to the cycle of freezing and thawing.

Prune and Trim

Removing dead and damaged branches might seem tedious, but it will pay off when plants bloom. This is especially important for maintaining your shrubs that bloom in the summertime, such as hydrangea, roses, or butterfly bushes. Some wood from your trees and bushes might have become damaged from the cold, so make sure to prune any wood as such.


After you clean up your yard, you can utilize the debris for compost! A good compost mix has equal amounts of “brown” and “green” materials. Brown materials are dried leaves and dried grass/straw, whereas green are weed and grass clippings. Brown is carbon-rich and green is nitrogen-rich, both of which are crucial for a healthy garden.

Put in New Mulch

Giving your garden a fresh layer of mulch is the easiest task you can do. This is not only a functional choice, but also an aesthetic choice. Choose your favorite mulch and plan on adding several inches of it to your garden bed. If you are taking a highly sustainable approach to your gardening endeavors, this is the perfect spot to use some of your compost!

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