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How to Plant a Flower Garden in 8 Steps

A flower garden can enhance your landscape. They should be prepared during spring, after the snow has melted. You can decide on what kind of flowers to plant in your garden. Choose from a wide variety of perennials, annuals, or both for your garden. Try to select an array of colorful flowers that will attract local wildlife. Once you have your selection, follow these tips on how to plant a flower garden.

How To Plant a Flower Garden

1. Look for a location and start small.

A flower garden requires rich, healthy soil to grow. Soil filled with sand or clay will not help flowers grow and flourish. Loam soil is the best type of soil for any crop including flowers. Flowers need direct sunlight of 6 hours or more so take note as you find a location for planting. Once you have identified the location, it is advisable to start small and grow bigger or wider as you gain experience. A space of 25 square feet is a good start.

2. Draw a plan.

It is important to draw a detailed landscape plan on paper if you can. This will help you put the plan into action knowing how it will look after planting and which plant you want to plant where. If you have a lawn, make sure you leave enough space for the lawn.

3. Start digging.

Digging helps to break down the soil into small manageable soil particles. Remove any debris and rocks to make a fine looking flower bed. It will help the flowers roots spread with ease and nutrients being absorbed by the plant easily. If possible, you can distribute manure on the ground to help give the flowers nutrients.

4. Level the ground.

After digging, it is important to level the ground so that while watering, water is absorbed to the soil slowly rather than water flowing down. Make rows that go against the ground level because it helps in containing water.

5. Dig holes or trenches.

Depending on which type of flowers you are planting, it is appropriate to dig holes to accommodate the plant. It may be plant cuttings that have been placed in a bag and germinated, seeds, seedlings or bulb flowers. They need a hole or trench for them to be able to grow properly and for the roots to take in nutrients appropriately.

6. Plant the Flowers.

For flowers that are in a plastic bag or container, please remove the flower carefully and include the soil in a manner that does not break either the soil or the flower. Place the matter in the hole adding general fertilizer to the soil. Cover the plant with the topsoil. Place any bulbs in the row that is 2-3 inches deep with the sharp part where it will shoot facing up. Cover with soil also.

With the flowers that are in seed form, sow the seeds in a nursery to germinate and transplant later, but if you are not patient enough the sow seeds with a spacing of 3 inches. This will germinate and grow as they are without looking overcrowded. Cover with dried grass for few days and if they start germinating, remove the grass for the seeds to shoot up. For flower cuttings that have not yet germinated, place them in a hole and wait for germinating.

7. Water.

After planting the flowers, water them with enough water preferably using a watering jug or hosepipe. Make sure you don’t apply much water pressure since the flowers are new and the soil is fragile.

8. Weed, pests control.

Now that you have your flower garden ready, be prepared to frequently remove weeds and overgrown branches. Pests also attack the flowers, such as whiteflies, so be prepared to spray some pesticides more often.

Click to inquire about the garden design services offered by Dean Bjorkstrand

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