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Emerald Ash Borer Found on Trees in Goodhue County

In March 2017, The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) placed Goodhue County under a quarantine following the discovery of emerald ash borer (emerald ash borer) in Red Wing.

The emerald ash borer is an insect that can be classified as an invasive species. The insect gets its name from the trees that it feeds on, the emerald ash tree, which is commonly found in North America. If infected trees are not treated early on, saving them may not be possible. Entire forests can be impacted if the infection is not spotted quickly, as the species will move from from one tree to the next.

Indicators of emerald ash borer infection

  • Check for cracks in the bark. When emerald ash borer larvae crawls its way into the tree, it causes the bark to split open, causing an “S-shaped” crack.
  • Look for woodpecker damage. Woodpeckers eat the emerald ash borer. If you see an abnormal amount of holes in your tree, there is a chance the tree may be infected.
  • Contact a professional. There are ways that professionals can determine the presence of emerald ash borer and prevent damage to your trees.

Before you contact anyone, make sure that the tree you are examining is indeed an emerald ash tree. The branches of ash trees come off the trunk, across from one another. The bark has a tight, diamond shape pattern.

One of the best ways to prevent emerald ash borer from coming to your area is to buy firewood that is certified “pest-free”. Buy it at a location near where you intend to burn it. This will help prevent emerald ash borer from traveling from one county to another.

Minnesota possesses more than one billion ash trees.

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